Still Hanging On!

It's been awhile! Sorry!!

We just got back from our OBX vacation on Saturday and have been busy getting back to "normal life" this week. Pregnancy-wise, my last update really still is my latest update. We did go back to the OB the Friday before we left on our trip, but it turned out to be a pretty pointless visit because they just checked my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat - we were in and out in 15 minutes! I thought they were going to measure my cervix and check my placenta, but apparently, I'm now far enough along that it's pointless for them to really check my cervix measurements anymore and they said they won't check my placenta again until week 30 (which is this week, so we are headed back this Friday).

Needless to say, since we didn't get much of a check up at the doctor, I was a little nervous about leaving town for a week and something going wrong. Luckily, Coleson stayed put without giving us any scares though. Which was good, because hurricane Jose completely flooded the street our house was on in OBX and we couldn't get out unless we walked through knee deep water to get to our car! The first three days of vacay were bad weather-wise because of the hurricane - it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't "lay out on the beach" weather. Grey, cloudy, WINDY - the sand hurt when it blew against you! So we did some shopping, lots of cooking, and hanging around the house for the first few days - which was still relaxing and totally fine with me :) Tuesday night (at the conclusion of the storm), there was the most gorgeous full double rainbow over the ocean right behind our house - it was like a signal good weather was coming! And it did! Starting Wednesday it was absolutely gorgeous the rest of the week and we were out in the sand every day.

It was SO nice to spend 7 days without plans and just relaxing by the beach. I will say the 8+ hour drive there and back KILLED me though. It is really not comfortable sitting in a car for that long 7 months pregnant - oh and we had to stop SO many times for me to pee which was also annoying, but Kyle (who normally hates stopping on road trips) was super accommodating and didn't care one bit making all the stops I needed.

We also got our maternity pictures done while we were there!! One of my fellow wedding industry friends, Amanda Hedgepeth, lives in OBX, and when I found out we were pregnant and that we would be in OBX when I was 7 months, I knew I wanted her to take our pictures on the beach!! On Wednesday I went to a salon in Kitty Hawk to get my hair and makeup done and then we met Amanda on the beach to take pictures! It was so fun and the sneak peek she gave us turned out so gorgeous!!! We can't wait to see the rest!!

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We got back on Saturday and since we couldn't pick up our dogs from boarding until Sunday evening, we decided to take advantage of the quiet house and have my grandma and dad over on Sunday to help with some nursery projects. I was exhausted from our drive the previous day, but I was glad to get some more things checked off our list! Here's a peek at how Coleson's room is coming along! It's almost done!! 


Only other news is that I've been SUPER uncomfortable lately. I feel huge and there is no position for me to lay in bed that is comfortable anymore so I don't sleep well. Just getting ready for work in the morning is exhausting and I feel like I need a nap by the time I get in the car. I can't believe I still have 2 more months of this, but I know it will go by quickly, so I'm trying to enjoy the time we have left as a family of 2 (plus puppies!).

Friday's appointment will be another sonogram and I'm hoping we get some good updates and an indication if we are definitely headed for the C-section route. Will definitely update next week!