Good News!!

We got our official approval from our insurance today!! And just 1 day after the 2 week estimate so my brain didn't have to agonize over how long it was going to take for too long.. whew!

They have authorized us for both IUI (6 rounds) and IVF (3 rounds) so we can pick whichever one we want to start with. Obviously, we are going with the recommendation from our doctor to just jump right in with IVF to give us our best chance. I feel like I've been hesitant to start any of the videos or injection training until I knew it was official, but now that we are definitely starting in February, I'm motivated to get started!

Tomorrow I'm going to call and get us scheduled for the injection class! (I find it extremely odd how I feel this excitement in my voice about signing up for an injection class... what is wrong with me??). Then we need to get my birth control prescription filled, IVF contracts signed, and complete all the modules and videos online.

We also need to start having conversations about what we are doing with our extra little embryos. I already know I want to freeze whatever we have remaining, but Kyle and I have a lot of talking to do about how that's all going to work out. Shady Grove charges a lot for freezing and then a yearly storage fee. I'd like to keep them frozen until we decide if we ever want to have a second child or not (Kyle is set on one, I'm undecided. I think I will have a much stronger opinion after we see how the next year goes... Also I love how I'm talking about me having a second baby... like, ok Lyss, let's just see if you can even have one first!). But even if we do have one baby and then one day decide to have another, there will likely still be embryos left and we will need to make a decision on what we want to do with them. Are we ok with donating them to another couple? I don't know. I don't think I've allowed myself to think that far yet. Those are scary IVF related questions we will have to ask ourselves in the future. But for now, let's just focus on having baby #1 :)

Sorry for the random rambling, but YAY for today!