
17 weeks 4 days and just a few days ago, I started feeling baby movements!

It was so strange because it just came all of a sudden. I felt a definite kick one night laying in bed and since then, I feel at least a few tiny kicks each night and some squirmy movement throughout the day. It's such a weird feeling - it's hard to describe! It hasn't been frequent enough to get Kyle to feel it yet. Of course every time I feel a kick I make him put his hand on my stomach and then nothing happens. Stubborn baby! But I'm loving the reassurance of movement and look forward to those kicks getting stronger (I'm sure I'll regret saying this a few months from now when it's keeping me up...)

I got back from my trip on Friday. My grandma and I had quite the nightmare getting home. BWI had a bomb scare which prevented our flight from leaving Birmingham and then we ended up getting delayed 2+ hours - fun! AND there was an active shooter lockdown on our base one of the days I was at my meeting - it ended up being nothing, but it sure made for an interesting day! Overall the trip went well though - I was SO glad to have my grandma there because there were a few days I didn't feel too great and it was nice having her to help take care of me! Also I survived 4 straight days of dresses and heels while pregnant which I was very proud of :)

My sleep has not been great lately. I usually sleep on my back or on my stomach (both of which you can't do while pregnant) so I've been super uncomfortable. I wake up basically every time I move in the night and then half of those times I have to get up and pee. I'm having lots of pain around my uterus whenever I move around just from it stretching and moving, but I'm adjusting  to it.

Now I'm just trying to get back into my normal routine after being away and the holiday weekend. Kyle and I did finally manage to switch our closets this weekend, so the baby's room is officially completely cleared out! I'm looking forward to finally starting on the nursery once we find out the gender in just a few weeks!! YAY!