14 weeks 2 days

Exciting things are being planned!!!

Now that the first trimester is officially done (WOO!) and I've been feeling pretty great (WOO!), I've had a lot more energy lately to start all the fun baby stuff! A few weekends ago I started cleaning out our guest room which will be the nursery. We got rid of our old mattress and futon in there, plus a bunch of other random things that had just been laying in there as part of our "storage room." I also organized a bunch of photo albums and memory box-type things I had laying around. [Kyle was sleeping that day and I literally spent 2 hours crying on the floor reading through old cards, yearbooks, photo albums, etc. Oh pregnancy hormones...]. The room is pretty much empty now which is a huge success! The last (kinda big) piece though is the closet. Kyle currently stores all of his uniforms, guns, etc. for work in there and obviously, that all has to get moved. After much debate, we've decided that we are going to trade our bedroom closets. I currently have the big walk-in with window and pink painted wall and he has a normal sized boy closet. I LOVE my closet, so it's really hard for me to give it up, but Kyle really needs the extra space with all his clothes plus all his uniforms. I made sure to tell him I'm sacrificing it for the baby and not him (hehehe!). So that's the next task - completely switching closets and getting all his uniforms in the bedroom. Fun stuff.

We've also made some headway on our gender reveal and baby shower! I mentioned we will find out the gender on July 25. We've officially decided we aren't having a big party, but we do really want to find out at the same time as our family, so we are saving the envelope to find out that weekend at a small get-together at my grandma's house. The baby shower is going to be a big, fun, co-ed shower that we are calling a BABY-Q (like, BBQ). And! It's going to be on LABOR day weekend, which, is just a funny coincidence :) I wanted to avoid a short 2 hour all girls event like most showers. Kyle and I are BOTH so excited for this and I want him and his friends to be a part of it too! My aunt is so kindly hosting it at her house and has been a huge help with the planning and food - we can't wait!!

Other than all that excitement, work has been busy for me lately. Which is good, cause it makes time go quicker, but I'm also usually REALLY tired by the end of the day. I'm going to DC this Wednesday for an all day meeting. Luckily, Kyle is coming with me and we are staying in DC Tuesday night so I don't have to do the rush hour drive. Then, I'm headed to Huntsville, AL at the end of the month for a week long meeting. I actually just got off the phone to reschedule my 16th week OB appointment since I'll now be away that week. Instead I'll be going in at 15.5 weeks so they can check and make sure all is good before my trip.

So! my next appointment is next Wednesday. It will be a short one like last time, but it will be good to hear the baby's heartbeat again and know that everything is still ok. Luckily moving that appointment won't affect our 20 week anatomy scan scheduled for July 25 - it will just mean more time in between appointments next time. 

Getting really excited for all that summer has to bring and super glad that I'm feeling more like myself again so I can enjoy all of it!!