First let me say, sorry I haven't updated! My laptop at work had some technical difficulties and I've been without a computer for 2 days. Ugh... just when this week couldn't feel longer.
So we are officially 6 days past transfer day! My symptoms tell me things are going good. I have been EXHAUSTED. I mean like, I go to bed at 8pm, sleep for 10 hours, and then am tired again by 5 o'clock every day. I've had a little bit of nausea in the morning, but nothing too bad. My headaches have been pretty constant the past two days. But, I'm not complaining one bit. Bring on the symptoms!
The texts have been rolling in... "how are you feeling?" "have you tested yet?" etc. etc. It means SO much that everyone's checking in with me, but at the same time I'm struggling with how this is going to play out. I'm going to know any day now if this worked, and as much as I want to scream it from the rooftops if it does, I also want to be able to tell my family in person and surprise them, even though I know IVF takes away most elements of surprise in pregnancy.
So, I'm signing off for a bit. And please know that I will tell you when I'm ready (family included!).
Thank you EVERYONE for your prayers!! Keep them coming! I think it's working :) :) :)