19 Weeks!

Tomorrow we hit 19 weeks which means we are 1 week away from the halfway point!!! I kind of can't believe it. According to my app (well, 3 apps), baby G is the size of a sweet potato and weighing 7oz! 

I'm feeling kicks every day, which is awesome for reassurance, but sometimes in the middle of the day I'll have a minor freak out if I realize I've gone hours without feeling anything. Stupid, I know, but it's fun to see what will wake him/her up. Sometimes drinking some cold water or poking at my belly will cause some movement. I still haven't gotten Kyle to feel it yet though cause it's so sporadic and hard to predict when I'll have a kick that's hard enough to feel from the outside. Soon though I hope!

I'm getting REALLY excited (and anxious) about our anatomy scan coming up on the 25th! Excited, because we haven't gotten an ultrasound to actually SEE the baby since 8 weeks! At that time, it was still a tiny little body barely resembling a baby, but now, we are going to get to see SO much more! Including the gender!!!! I'm anxious though because this is the big mid-way milestone where they will check every organ in the baby's body to make sure it's developing normally. I'm so terrified of finding something wrong. Also, this is the first appointment where they will check my cervix to see if it's shortening because of the lack of space in my uterus. We are getting to the scary point where it will start to become clear over the next several weeks how my weird uterus is handling this growing baby and if I have a chance to make it to full term or not. My understanding is that they will now check my cervix at each appointment, and the moment it starts shortening is when we will need to figure out how to keep this baby inside for as long as possible. Scary! I'm just trying to trust my body - it's done everything right so far - we just need that uterus to continue to grow normally!

I realize I haven't posted any "bump pics" at all on here. I haven't even really taken any at home! I'm so self conscious about my weight right now. It's so unnatural for me to feel OK with seeing the number on the scale go up even though logically I know it's supposed to and I'm right on track with weight gain. I think I'm just in this phase still where I feel like I just look fat and not pregnant. Ugh.

Anyways, there's lots to be excited for now that my work trip is over. We have SO much fun planned over the next few months including wedding dress shopping with my bestie next weekend, our gender reveal on the 29th, her bridal shower, my baby shower, my birthday weekend, and our yearly OBX vacation mid Sept! Plus I've signed Kyle and I up for a maternity floor hospital tour where we plan to deliver AND once we know the gender we have lots of nursery room prep to do!

Now we anxiously wait for July 25...